Tampa Bay Times Flip Flops On FL AG Pam Bondi

Back in October Tampa Bay Times (TBT) columnist John Romano published a stinging article about Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi because she supported Donald J Trump for president.

Tampa Bay Times, formerly St. Pete Times, has since Flip Flopped after Bondi was appointed the top member of President elect Donald Trump’s transition team.

TBT Flip Flop Pam Bondi Trump Transition Team
Tampa Bay Times flip flops on their opinion of Florida AG Pam Bondi after she was accepted into Donald J Trump’s transition team

Yesterday TBT published this article congratulating Bondi for being picked to be on president Trump’s transaction team.

Attorney General Pam Bondi was named today as a member of Donald Trump’s top transition team, joining a group of political insiders and newcomers, including members of Trump’s family.

Bondi was with Trump for most of the campaign, save for a couple months when she stayed off the trail amid questions of a political donation Trump gave her in 2013 around the same time Trump University was being investigated.

She served as a prominent female voice for Trump as he reeled from the release of a video in which he made sexually aggressive comments toward women and suggested he attempted an adulturous affair. Bondi said his comments were “disgusting” but “I believe in forgiveness.”

In a statement Friday, she said: “I’m honored to serve President-elect Donald J. Trump in making this historic transition and assisting in finding the best individuals to bring change to Washington on day one, grow our economy, protect our children and families, and be unafraid to stand up for Americans.”

Florida AG Pam Bondi
Pam Bondi, Florida’s Attorney General working hard to make Florida a safe state to live in

Back on October 10th 2016, TBT columnist John Romano wrote this stinging piece of liberal garbage:

Presumably, Pam Bondi is still alive. Happy is another matter.

These cannot be good times for Florida’s attorney general, which might explain her reclusive approach to public service and her penchant to disappear at the first sign of trouble.

Apparently, this is what happens when you endorse your own demise.

Media Eating Crow
Nothing like a good sized plate of Crow for liberal media

It isn’t just that Bondi decided to support Donald Trump for president. It’s that she gleefully threw her future fortunes in with his.

Bondi appeared on stages with him. She solicited campaign money from him. She played surrogate and flunky with nearly as much gusto as Rudy Giuliani.

And so now she seems compelled to work in silence and incognito.

Just as she did when his illegal contribution to her campaign was in the news last month, Bondi has avoided answering phones, emails and questions. This time, it’s concerning a video that highlights Trump’s entitled view of sexual conquests that sounds suspiciously like assault.

Bondi used to boast she was unafraid to take on gangs, thieves and murderers as a prosecutor, but now is apparently scared to face reporters and voters.

Some Republicans have denounced Trump. Some have distanced themselves from his words, if not from his candidacy. And yet Bondi has said nothing.

I’m sorry, but that’s not how it works.

You don’t show up at a political rally in Jacksonville, call yourself Trump’s friend, declare America is about to become known as Trump Country and then hide when the polls start turning against you.

You don’t poke fun at Hillary Clinton at the Republican National Convention — “Lock her up; I love that.” — and then pretend you’re an innocent bystander when the narrative gets uncomfortable.

You don’t ask for campaign contributions from someone facing a potential investigation from your office and then act offended when it’s suggested there might be a conflict of interest.

So here we are with president elect Donald J Trump starting his transition from Trump Tower to the Whitehouse. Liberals are really pissed that Hillary Clinton got her ass beat to a pulp election night. Many are sulking like NBC Lester Holt.

Guess TBT decided it’s best to join em – than fight em, since their precious Hillary Clinton is finished. All that money she spent, all the actions she and her liberal media partners took, got her nowhere.

America has spoken and spoken out loud. We’re sick of crooks, Obamacare, and dishonesty in Washington. We agree with President Donald J Trump, It’s time to Drain The Swamp. Money obviously didn’t buy this election.

Drain The Swamp
America agrees with president elect Donald J Trump, It’s time to Drain The Swamp

Just my two cents worth as usual! 😉

I'm an original Floridian and hobbyist Internet webmaster who specializes in SEO and WordPress mods and tweaking. Also i''m well versed on CloudFlare CDN setup and best practices. I had a nearly fatal fall a year ago and still are unable to walk, and are in a SNF facility being cared for. But my doctors are unable to diagnose why i can no longer walk. Please pray for me!❤️

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